Thursday, May 15, 2008

My hobby

Clicking the "I like it!" button whenever I reach a "404-page not found" error while Stumbling.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Discuție la nivel înalt

Jason Anderson says: yeah, macros are too much like programming to me, and yeah, I don't do those
LoC says: I don't do 5$ whores, either
Țiganu' says: i like meal ticket whores
Jason Anderson says: well, depends, does he/she have a pretty mouth
Jason Anderson says: :P
LoC says: by pretty, you mean...she has both lips, or at least the front teeth?
Jason Anderson says: teeth are optional
Țiganu' says: eventually more tongues

Saturday, May 03, 2008

da, si eu te iubesc

Georg: bisoc
Georgieee: nu am cum
Georgieee: sa termin
Georgieee: .. mi-am dat toata silinta
Alecs Superstar: sa-ti fac o laba, te ajuta sa termini mai repede?
Georgieee: mai putin cad am fost sa-mi fac laba la baie
Georgieee: :)
Alecs Superstar: o muie, un frecat cu gel?
Georgieee: nu prea...
Alecs Superstar: un deget in anus?
Georgieee: ))
Alecs Superstar: zi`i lu` tata unde-ti place
Georgieee: :) manly hug alea
Alecs Superstar: clar, manly love